As you know, burners are used in the central engine rooms of buildings, swimming pools, industries, etc., along with cast iron or steel boilers. Burners are one of the most important pieces of equipment in central heating systems and are in fact the heart of this system. Burners are produced and supplied in different types in terms of fuel consumption, capacity, combustion method, the diameter of the flame tube, etc. How to choose the right burner is a significant issue that is addressed in this article. In the following, we will describe this article in order to provide you, dear users, with enough information to choose a suitable and optimal burner. Join us to learn more about how they work, the benefits, and the types of burners in terms of the type of fuel they consume.

The burner converts the energy of fossil fuels such as gas, diesel, and fuel oil into heat energy by mixing fuel and air, then igniting and igniting the mixture. The heat generated by the burner in the boiler's combustion chamber or heater is transferred to the energy transfer fluid (water) in the central heating system of the building by two methods of transfer and radiation.
Burners, as the heart of heating systems, are responsible for generating heat in a variety of boilers, heaters, heating packages, etc.
By spraying fuel (gas, diesel, fuel oil) and mixing it with air, and then passing this mixture through the diffuser flame, the combustion process is started by the igniter transformer and the required heat is generated inside the combustion chamber of the boiler or furnace. In each burner and boiler, there are a number of controllers such as relays, photocells, ions, and thermostats that control the amount and time of each burner process.
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As mentioned, there are different types of burners in terms of fuel consumption, each of which is briefly described below.
Gas burners are designed to burn natural gas and the required fuel flow in these burners is controlled by a solenoid valve after passing through the gas filter. The air required for the combustion of gas burners is provided by a blower installed on the motor shaft, and the inlet airflow is controlled by an air damper installed in the body of the burner, depending on its capacity manually or by a motor. The function of fan gas burners (used on the boiler of the central heating engine) is that the gas flow passes through a filter, is mixed with air, and is ready for combustion. If the combustion air pressure or gas pressure exceeds or decreases from the desired value, it is detected by the built-in pressure sensors, and the burner is switched off by the pressure of the air and gas switches via the relay command. Gas burners are divided into fan and non-fan types (without sound) in terms of performance. The burners used on cast iron or steel boilers for hot water or steam in the central heating engines of buildings and industries are of the fan burner type, and the burners used in apartment packages are of the gas burner type without a blower and silent.
The function of domestic and small diesel burners is that, in addition to moving the aeration fan shaft, the electric motor also rotates the shaft of the burner diesel pump. But in large diesel burners, a separate electric motor is installed to couple with the shaft and move the burner diesel pump. The aeration fan of diesel burners is a centrifugal fan that is installed on the shaft of the burner electromotor with a speed (RPM) of 2900 rpm. When the engine is started, the aeration fan starts moving and the air molecules between the fan blades start moving. To control the amount of fan air, a damper is placed in its suction port. Inlet air adjustment in small burners manually, in medium diesel burners (up to 600 thousand kcal) hydraulically (with diesel pump pressure), and in large burners by a servo motor (Servo motor), and the amount of air is controlled Passing through the air damper varies according to the amount of fuel. It should be noted that for the diesel pump in high-pressure burners, is better to choose rotary or gear.
In general, in the process of operation of fuel oil and diesel burners, the nozzle is responsible for pulverizing the fuel and pulverizing the fuel droplets with a specific pattern (depending on the type of nozzle), so that the flow of powdered fuel is within a certain angular range. (According to the spray angle of the respective nozzle) is taken out of the nozzle and the distribution of fuel droplets in it is done uniformly. The most common pattern of this flow is the conical pattern. Basically, the process of pulverizing liquid fuel requires energy, which enters the system through a pressurized burner fuel pump, and then the liquid is quickly converted into powder. In fuel oil burners, it is absolutely necessary to install a preheater (fuel) in order to prevent the fuel oil from hardening in cold weather.
Dual burners usually run on gas and diesel fuels. If, in addition to these fuels, the burner is capable of working with diesel fuel, it is called a triple burner. As a result, triple burners are able to work with all three types of gas, diesel, and fuel oil. It is also necessary to install a preheater in triple burners. Note: Due to the incompleteness of fuel combustion efficiency in burners and considering some heat losses, when choosing a burner, we usually consider the capacity of the burner to be about 20% more than the capacity of the boiler. In addition, to select the burner, after determining the type of fuel and its appropriate capacity, pay attention to the diameter of the burner flame tube to allow it to be placed in the boiler and install the burner on the front door of the boiler.
You can also read the article on how to choose a nozzle for gas oil burners for more information.
To easily select and buy a burner, you must first determine the type of fuel (gas, diesel, fuel oil, dual or triple burner), the required heating capacity, and then the diameter of the flame mouth, brand, and model of the burner. On the site of Damatajhiz's specialized collection, technical information of dozens of models of burners, from reputable brands with original warranties, has been provided for you dear ones to enjoy a good sense of optimal and intelligent purchase.