Teaching cryptocurrency trading and using KIFPOOL.ME exchange

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At KIFPOOL.ME exchange you can buy and sell over 250 digital currencies. We will now teach you how to buy and sell cryptocurrency on the KIFPOOL.ME website and application.

Not according to us, but according to users, KIFPOOL.ME is one of the best platforms for buying and selling digital currencies. Just go to the comments section and take a look at user comments. The most important features of this website are high deposit speed, reasonable price and support for nearly 200 different coins and tokens. In the recent major update of this exchange, the wallet feature has also been added so that users can keep their digital currency after purchase. This will speed up and reduce costs due to the elimination of fees.

In this article, we want to teach you how to buy and sell digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Tron, Solana, DogeCoin and others. First, let's look at how to use the KIFPOOL.ME website.

It is worth mentioning that the prerequisite for receiving services from us is creating an account and authentication. These two processes are not time consuming and can be done in a very short time. A separate article has been prepared for each of them. If you have not already created an account in KIFPOOL.ME and have not gone through the steps of authentication and sending documents, first do them with the help of the following two items. Then be with us in the continuation of this article.

Buy ing and selling digital currency from the web KIFPOOL.ME

How to buy on the website

After entering the main page of the website, click on the "Login" option located in the upper left corner.


First enter your mobile number and password and then click "Confirm and Continue". If you have forgotten your password, click on "Forget Password" and get a new password by providing a mobile number.

Each time you log in through the website, a one-time code will be sent to you, which you must enter. After entering the code in the box, click on "Login".

Upon entering the panel, you will see a banner related to the Exchaino Peer-to-Peer (P2P) trading platform, which belongs to our collection. In this website, users exchange digital currencies directly with each other. Having very low and competitive fees is now the distinguishing feature of KIFPOOL.ME. Below that, you will see the current price of buying and selling digital currencies. You will scroll through the options by dragging the mouse. However, you can click on the "View Full Table" option to see the prices of all currency codes supported by KIFPOOL.ME.

Although it is possible to pay at any time of purchase by entering the bank portal, but a faster solution and our offer is to buy through Rial wallet. Instead of going to the bank portal every time in order to a purchase, recharge your Rial wallet only once and then pay for the purchase through it. Another advantage of this is the possibility of buying with large sums. Due to the possibility of introducing two bank cards and the possibility of paying 50 million Tomans through each day, you cannot buy more than 100 million Tomans per day. But if you have already charged your Rial wallet, you will be able to buy any amount of cryptocurrency.

Of course, there is no obligation to do so. You can enter the bank portal at any time to buy digital currency and pay the same amount. In any case, to charge the Rial wallet, click on the "Wallet" option in the dashboard.

On the next screen, click "Deposit" in front of the Toman option. From the "Payment card number" section, select one of the bank cards that you have introduced to the system and then enter the desired amount at the bottom of the "Credit amount (Tomans)" section. By clicking on "Payment", you will enter the banking portal.

When the Rial wallet is charged (or if you decide to ignor this step and decide to make a payment at any time), click on the "Buy from us" option in the right panel to make a purchase.

Now you need to specify the desired digital currency and purchase amount. The Bitcoin (BTC) option is selected by default. By clicking on it, you will see the complete list of currencies. There are two ways to determine the amount of purchase; you can enter the desired number of coins or tokens, or the desired amount. For example, you can specify that you intend to buy 70,000 units of WINk, or that you want to buy it for 800,000 Tomans. Then click "Confirm and Continue". At this stage, be sure to choose the network carefully.

To buy, you need to know how to work with wallets and blockchain networks.

Of course, there is a much simpler solution; in the recent update of KIFPOOL.ME, the ability to keep currency after purchase has been added, so that you can keep digital currencies in your account on this platform. The two major advantages of this work are speeding up exchanges and especially reducing costs due to the elimination of transfer fees.

There may not be a built-in wallet for a currency right now (at KIFPOOL.ME) (a separate wallet will be added for all coins and tokens soon). In this case, in the new page, you will see only the option "Transfer to personal wallet". Otherwise, the "Keep in KIFPOOL.ME dedicated wallet" option will also appear. After selecting either of these two options, click "Confirm and Continue".

If you want to transfer digital currency to your personal wallet after purchase, such as Trust Wallet or Atomic Wallet, select the first option and enter the address in the "Enter your wallet address" box. How to get the address is the same in all applications; Just enter the program, select the desired  digital currency from the main list and then click on Receive, Deposit or similar.

When transferring to a personal wallet, be very careful in entering the address. Keep in mind that you are solely responsible for entering the wrong wallet address. If you enter your address incorrectly, your money will go to the wrong address due to the KIFPOOL.ME settlement system being automated. It is not possible to return the money in these circumstances. Never type the address manually and copy and paste it into the box after receiving it from the wallet.

If you want to keep the selected coin or token in the KIFPOOL.ME wallet, click on "Create Wallet" after selecting the second option. This option is displayed (for the first time) if you have not yet created an internal wallet for the desired currency password.

As we said at the beginning, there are two ways to pay; you can pay the fee by entering the bank portal immediately, or you can use it if your Rial wallet is already charged. If you select the "Pay via online portal" option, select one of your bank cards and go to the next page. If you select "Purchase through wallet", the cost will be deducted from your Rial wallet.

How to sell digital currency at KIFPOOL.ME

If you want to sell through your personal wallet (such as Trust Wallet), you must enter the "Sell to Us" section. Otherwise, enter the "Wallet" section to sell the assets you hold inside KIFPOOL.ME. First, we teach how to sell stored assets in a personal (external) wallet. Click "Sell to Us" in the dashboard.


Specify the amount of sales. You can specify this by specifying the number of coins or tokens, or the total amount. For example, announce that you intend to sell 70,000 units of WINk, or you want to sell 800,000 tomans of this digital currency. Click "Confirm and Continue" after specifying the sales amount.


If you want the amount to be credited to your account after the sale, select one of your bank cards in the "Bank account settlement" section. If you want to keep money in Rial wallet for future purchases, click on "Keep in my wallet". Clicking "Confirm and Continue" will take you to the next page.

Specify the sales method here. In the first part, we want to sell the assets stored in a personal wallet, so we click on the "Sell from personal wallet" option.


Log in to your Wallet app now. After entering the program, select the digital currency you want to sell and select the Send or Withdraw option (different depending on the wallet type). Specify the value below and copy the address KIFPOOL.ME in the address field (Destination or To). This address is displayed as shown below after specifying the network. If you are using a mobile wallet, touching the Scan QR Code option on the same submission page will activate the camera so that you can scan the QR code for the KIFPOOL.ME address.


After sending, wait until the transaction is confirmed in the blockchain network, because at this stage it is necessary to enter the Transaction ID. Do not forget that until you register the Transaction ID, your sales order will not be valid and you will not be settled. After the transfer, you must enter the Transaction ID in the "Transaction ID" box.

There are several ways to find a Transaction ID. The first method is through the user's wallet. Enter your wallet and select the transaction you made for KIFPOOL.ME exchange. Then copy the Transaction Hash or Transaction ID from the transaction details section.

The second method is to get help from transaction tracking websites (Explorer). For bitcoin, go to blockchain.com/explorer and enter your wallet address in the search box. You will see a list of transactions related to this wallet. Then find the transaction related to the sale of digital currency to KIFPOOL.ME and copy the Transaction ID or Transaction Hash. To find the explorer website of other digital currencies, just search for their names along with the phrase "explorer" in Google (for example, ethereum explorer).

Important Note: To transfer some currencies such as Ripple, Stellar, Binance Coin and a few others, in addition to the destination wallet address, it is necessary to enter the tag for that address in the Memo field. This tag is referred to under various headings such as Memo, Destination Tag or Payment ID. Otherwise the transferred currency will be transferred to the public exchange account and KIFPOOL.ME will not have any obligation in this regard. When selling digital currency to KIFPOOL.ME, it is enough to pay attention to the presence or absence of the Memo or Tag option in the address screen, and if so, be sure to use it when sending your personal wallet. The table below shows some of these currencies and the tag titles associated with each.

But if you keep your cryptocurrency assets in KIFPOOL.ME, how do you sell it? In this case, you can go to the "Select how to sell" section of the above steps, and there, select the "Sell from site wallet" option. Alternatively, in the dashboard, right-click on the "Wallet" option.

Click the "Sell" button in front of the name of the desired digital currency. The rest of the steps are similar to what we have examined so far.



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