Guys can be touchy when it comes to their hair! Sometimes, they’re totally clueless to their follicle probs, or they might be too embarrassed to ask for advice. For solutions to the most common hair problems for men, we turned to Amy Komorowski, Men’s Celebrity Hair Stylist and Grooming Expert for AXE Hair. (Um…she just got back from touring Europe with Justin Timberlake – she’s that good!). So if you take our expert’s advice, before you know it, you’ll be thinking, “I got 99 problems, but my man’s hair ain’t one!”
Q: My boyfriend isn’t even 30 and his hair is thinning already. Is there anything he can do to prevent (or slow down) the hair loss? – Mary, 27
Amy: The first step is to splurge on a good haircut, keeping hair a bit shorter. He needs to wash hair daily with shampoo and conditioner because dirty hair can make already thinning hair look even thinner. To style, he should only apply product to the tips of the hair so it’s not weighed down any further. I recommend AXE Hold+Touch Paste for fine hair because it won’t weight hair down but is strong enough to hold any look.
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Q: I love my fiancé, but he has a major problem with dandruff. Help! – Katie, 26
Amy: Dandruff can really be an embarrassing problem, just as an itchy, dry scalp. It tends to occur in parts of the body with high oil production, such as the scalp, ears or even the face. It is a very common condition so your fiancé should not feel alone. He needs to wash his hair with an anti-dandruff product.
Q: My man-friend’s hair has no volume, but he’s the kind of guy who would never use products. Any suggestions? – Darcy, 28
Amy: We all have to work with what we’ve got and a few small tricks can do wonders to add volume, thickness or texture to his hair. Washing his hair everyday will help to add a bit of volume, as will using a hair dryer for a minute or two afterward. A lot of guys seem to be against blow-drying, but the heat adds instant volume, shine and lift to hair. A bit of product for fine hair will provide hold and definition to help it look great all day.
Q: Few guys can pull off the curly hair look, and I know my boyfriend totally can. But he refuses to take the time to style his hair properly and just ends up with a big frizzy mop on his head. What can he do to get the luscious curls I know he has? – Beth, 29
Amy: It’s best to keep curly or coarse hair cut short to save time and frustration. To maintain a frizz-free look, first wash to de-poof and tame hair, then apply a product like AXE Hold+Touch Cream Wax for thick hair to damp hair. Also try not to touch or run fingers through the hair during the day as this will only make it frizzier.
Q: My man is a little bit of a hippie (read: crazy long hair), but he’s about to change careers. He’d like to try to adopt a more profesh look for the office, so what cut would work for business but still allow him to feel like himself? – Sarah, 26
Amy: It’s important to get a good haircut and keep facial hair and neck hair groomed. He should try keeping his hair in front cheekbone-length, the sides layered so it falls nicely past the ears, and the back no longer than his shoulders.