Taking The Lead: The Black Community and Me

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And I’m not a hater because I think Alicia Keys is overrated. Hell, she is.

No, I think I’m a hater because I’ve come to the conclusion that I hate overly educated pretentious Black folks. And my hate goes even further because these are the people that white America deems to be our next leaders. In fact, let’s pause here for a second and think about something. Many Black folks think that we do not have any Black leaders right now. However, I think the white upper echelon of politics and academia thinks we do. Do you know why they think we do??? Because they proclaimed some of these people as our leaders.

The Bill Cosbys, Steve Harvey, the Cornel Wests, the Michael Eric Dysons, Diddy,  etc.  It’s essentially the people that they look to as shining examples of leadership and thought in the Black community. And you know what, outside of Colin and Condi…A LOT of Black folks don’t even know who those people are. Which means that we don’t even pick our leaders anymore. Long gone are the days where the leaders actually connected with the people they were allegedly leading. And you know what the big difference is nowadays???

Black folks could actually UNDERSTAND the leaders of old. Which brings me to why I’m a hater of overly educated Black folks. Now this might sound like one of the most ignant things I’ve ever said but maybe if I explain what I’m talking about, it won’t sound so ignant. And keep in mind, I’m a hater, mmkay??

So I’ve been reading a book by Michael Eric Dyson on Marvin Gaye. It’s called Mercy, Mercy Me: The Art, Love, and Demons of Marvin Gaye. Honestly, don’t buy this book. I promise you that you’re life will be better for it. You know how when you read a book about somebody’s life you tend to gain some insight?? Nope, not with Dyson books. In fact, I’ve read three of his books. This current book, Holler If You Hear Me, which was about Tupac, and I May Not Get There With You about Dr. Martin Luther tha King, Jr. It’s the same thing with all of his books. I walk away with nothing, save a few tidbits of knowledge that I’d heard before but never seen in print format.

You might say, well, Panama, why do you continue to read his books??? And I’d say, well, because for some reason, I keep hearing how his books are so great and that Dyson is this thinker who is providing insight into the Black community. Frankly, I’m starting to get pissed. And I’m not pissed that his books suck, I’m pissed that he is taking Black mythic personas, over intellectualizing them, and turning them into these stories for white people to tell at their swanky dinner affairs when the subject of Black people comes up.

Now why do these books suck though?? Well, have you ever TRIED to read one of these books by these overly educated Black people?? Look, I’m not Einstein, but I learned how to read good a long time ago. I’ve got degrees.

So why is it that I cannot understand for the life of me what the hell these bastards are talking about half of the time? Reading should not be a labor.  Why the f*ck won’t you write in a way that average people who could probably benefit the most from your insight (a**uming you actually have any, I couldn’t tell since it took me forever to actually get through your damn book) could understand.

And this is the same problem that many of our overly educated Black folks have. This desire and need to appease white people, because honestly, that’s who is reading these books, and convince them that they are educated. And once again we come upon the problem of looking to white people for validation. I guess in this sense I understand since those are the folks who are going to deem you the next Black leaders anyway, because surely Black folks aren’t. Black folks want leaders that understand them and can relate. We don’t even know who some of our “leaders” are.

Then again, like guns, books don’t lead people, people kill books.

Or something like that.

I guess the larger point is this:  how can you lead if nobody even understands how to follow you?

Maybe I’m blowing smoke.  Maybe I’m smoking blow.

Either way, the fact remains, there seems to be a disconnect between Black leaders and the community.

Or is there?

Falks that don’t want to think this hard on a Friday, does the Black community have any leaders right now?

Better yet, do we even need any?

Learn me.

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