***This monday, as a service from the kind gentleman of loveawake.com, the champ has decided to rank the three best romantic comedies of all-time the last 20 years. enjoy***
3. chasing amy
Premise: a comic-book writer (ben affleck) befriends and falls in love with a fellow comic book writer (joey lauren adams)…who happens to be a lesbian. Hilarity, pain, tremendous cussing, and unfortunate ho-yay behavior ensue.
reasons for making the cut:
—easily the best movie kevin smith ever made. this isn’t even remotely debatable
—contained quite possibly the funniest token black character ever on screen, in dwight ewell’s “hooper x”, a fellow comic book writer, who also happens to be extremely violent, extremely militant, and extremely gay. Omar would have been proud
—introduced “finger-cuffs” to my general lexicon, a term i still use with glee at least thrice daily
—perfectly captures a typical male’s queasy uneasiness when forced to confront his woman’s, ummmm, “eclectic” sexual past, and how hard it is for us to let that go.
—would have rated higher on this list if not for the ending, which is so inconceivably and shockingly bad that i refuse to even talk about it
2. boomerang
For black people those willing to put saccharin garbage such as “the best man” and “brown sugar” ahead of “boomerang” when ranking romantic comedies, consider the following…
—talent-wise, when you consider Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, David Alan Grier, and John Witherspoon this movie contained four (five if you count grace jones’s vagina) comedic legends in their absolute prime, as well as a before her prime halle berry, a still barely unattractive tisha campbell (before she made the leap to “completely unattractive”), lela rochon’s feet, and a surprisingly milfy eartha kitt. Wow.
—the infamous thanksgiving dinner, where witherspoon’s “Mr. Jackson” introduced the world to the concept of “coordination” as well as “pop that pu–y!!!“, is easily one of the five funniest movie scenes of all-time
—was the best of the numerous roles robin givens seemed to land where she played herself evil, conniving, manipulative bitches
1. high fidelity
Maybe this movie gets top billing solely because it’s the movie that inspired me to start making lists for everything. maybe it’s number one because i see so much of myself in John Cusack’s Rob Gordon, and it perfectly illustrates that late 20′s “i guess i should settle down with her cause i guess at this age it’s the right thing to do…i guess” angst…a phenomenon i’m currently experiencing i completely understand. maybe i just want to sleep with meet Lisa Bonet. Who knows. I will say that, despite its basically all-white cast, it’s quite possibly the “blackest” relationship comedy ever made. think about it: a severely underemployed and apathetic guy, spending all of his free time with his equally underemployed and apathetic friends talking about music and reflecting on all of the women he’d been with in the past. This sentence describes me at least seven of my closest friends, and is why this movie is a required view for any guy between 21-35.
Anyway though…you’ve read my list. even though my ranking is completely undebatable, i’m curious…how does it stack up with yours?
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