Like I assume most reading people of America did, I watched President’s Obama State of The Union speech and the following Republican response from Rep. Paul Ryan scary eyed Tea Party (though Republican) representative Michelle Bachmann. I thought Obama’s speech was pretty well done. In general, I always expect Obama to deliver well. He’s an orator and charismatic leader. His speech was heavy on story-telling and focused on the future of America as opposed to any partisan wrangling. That was nice.
His speech also for the first time in a long time, avoided going for the moments that would require different sides to stand up and applaud. While some of that is to be expected, I appreciated him giving a speech that was more about listening, reflecting, and refocusing than it was about punchlines and ovations. I thought President Obama did a very good job of creating an optimistic environment for our nation. Though…
Though, I found his speech to be very short on specifics and ideas. Now, I read earlier today that Obama intends to specify his goals and plans in his upcoming budget request, so I can wait to find out what he’s got up his sleeve. Go Obama.
Let me be very upfront here: I find politics in general (speeches, grandstanding, etc) to be very uninteresting. For the most part, it all comes across as rhetoric and propoganda. I’ve never cared much for politics but the uber partisan nature of Washington right now and the Tea Party’s ascension to the national scene has made me realize that, well, people are pretty much insane. And this isn’t to say that I think President Obama is doing a bang up job. He’s doing a decent job as President but I do think his transparency could use some work. I read the health care bill. It was the most convoluted piece of legislation I’d seen in a long time. But I do believe in his vision and goals. But over all, politics doesn’t really move me. I wish it did, but it doesn’t. I do think that Obama has caused me to pay more attention, but at the end of the day, it’s all just the same…ole song. With a different beat since you’ve been gone.
With that said, Michelle Bachmann’s speech scared the living f*ck out of me. Or maybe it was just her. I don’t know. I can’t think straight. The hills have eyes and hers looked like she borrowed Satan’s contacts. Paul Ryan was political. Obama’s was visionary. Bachmann? She spoke in the language of the folks who don’t like to figure things out. She said quite simply, “Obama, you dropped the ball and are making America bad. Stop it.” And I think a large swath of Americans would be able to easily understand that message. She’s like Sarah Palin-lite. She even sounds like her. I can’t lie, people like her and Sarah Palin who are able to easily speak in a language of folks who don’t know any better in such a manner terrify me because those are people who like to vote and listen to non-sense or speeches that really don’t say anything but sound like they say a lot. Truth is, her speech was fairly benign. But something about her just really put me in a bad space.
I do find it interesting that Bachmann was able to give a message on behalf of the Tea Party when they’re all mostly Republican. To me, it kind of made the Republicans look a bit…disorganized to me even though the speeches weren’t that far apart. But it marks a combo of Ryan, who by all accounts i a very bright and smart guy, and Bachmann who looks like a renegade soccer mom who somehow ended up in Congress.
Overall, to me, they’re all just speeches and mean nothing until the wheels start turning.
Until then. A-ha, hush that fuss, everybody move to the back of the bus.
Falks, (forgive my mental ramblings being a bit all over the place), what were your thoughts about the State of The Union address and the following messages from Republicans? Do you even care? How do you feel about this country’s prospects in 2025?
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