What does that mean? Well, it is my (and your) opportunity to question nouns as to why they hate love and keep holding people down. See, what the world needs now, is love, sweet love. That’s the only thing that there’s just too little of. But if we dig deep, we can pull it out (no rhythm method) and find love again. Except for the following.
Why Do You Hate Love…
…Ray Allen – why for come you can’t figure out what works best for you scoring wise. And Boston for that matter. All these damn jump shots are exactly why you are about to lose this game. Drive the damn ball, Miss Daisy. Ooops my bad, you can’t seem to make a layup either. Ray, why do you hate winning? Perhaps that’s the better question.
…Kobe Bryant – if you brick one more shot, they might have to start rebuiding projects in America just to find something to do with all of these damn bricks. If you really loved the people, you’d make a shot here and here.
…BP – your responses to the oil spill have been nothing short of some Black sh*t. My grandmama’s are some straight up country women and your ideas to stop the spill rival some of the ideas they had for curing gout and migraines. Just stop it. All that damn brainpower you employ and the best folks can come up with is a couple of rubbers and some rainboots? Galosh.
…Alvin Greene – you embarass me. You embarass yourself. I’m not sure you’re a Republican plant, but I’m also not sure that you’re a real person. I’ve seen your interviews and I’ve read about your campaign. This isn’t a Black thing or a white thing. This is a what the f*ck is wrong with the people of South Carolina thing. Seriously, if you voted for Alvin Greene you owe somebody 7 hail mary’s, 2 mother may I’s and a partridge in a pear tree.
…Seattle Police – you really need to do a better job of controlling your drama. And for the record, I don’t blame you for hitting that chick. Not that it’s okay, but man, I might have tried to hit her too. It aint’ like they were listening or complying or anything. And you folks up in arms like that chick got beat down REALLY need to step outside yourself and view that video from start to end. Yeah he hit that chick, but DJ from Hustle and Flow had a song called “Whup That Trick” and it was dope.
…Rihanna – why did you break Drake’s heart like that? So much so that this fool is going on radio all thru the country telling folks how you played him. By the way, if you don’t have the album, you probably should get it. Especially if you have boobs. It’s a great album for people with boobs. If you don’t have boobs, it’s still a good album its just hard to drive down the street thru a gang of dudes bumping some music that would normally get you beat up. Even the song with Lil Wayne has some emotional parts.
…Paul Gasol – you know you didn’t get fouled. Why won’t you trim that damn beard? And how do you ALWAYS have it perfectly unkempt? It’s like focused chaos, kind of like Helena Andrews book.
By the way, this game is fucking murdering my arteries. It’s been a pretty terrible game but wow am I invested. Edward Jones.
Anyway, falks, on this great Friday…who else hates love???
And for those folks in town for the Blogging While Brown conference, I’ll see you there.
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