Take Action!

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бесплатная женщина с помощью смартфона Стоковое фото

Guys! Get Out Of Your Heads!

4 Tips to Keep You Communicating

Fear And Dating

Relationships Cliches That Aren’t Necessarily True

The Man’s Man List of Cost Efficient Planned Dates

The Don’ts of Dating

The Impact of Mass Incarceration on Black Love

Keep Your Emotions Under Control in Love Matters

Date Like A Man: 10 Tips I’ve Learned from My Boys

I’m not as interested in what you wear or say as much as I am in what you DO. I’ve seen plenty of guys go out and buy the latest designer threads, only to fail miserably at approaching women due to… not approaching women.

The only true failure is the failure of not doing anything.

Many men struggle with approaching women because they still hold on to the fear of getting called out or looking stupid at not “closing the deal” at the bar. Ironically, for some it seems less foolish (less of a risk) to wear crazy/loud stuff (can anyone say Affliction?) than it is to be a little crazy and a little louder than the crowd. That makes no sense.

Guess what? No one is paying that much close attention to you. No one notices when you bomb after approaching a group of women. Ok, maybe they did.  So?  Do they matter?  Nah.

If there was one single skill that could change your life entirely, the one thing you should master above all other skills, tactics, or methods… is to get good at not giving a s*$% what others may think of you.

Here’s the fine print: No one is paying any attention.

The VAST majority of the world are followers. Very few are leaders.

Example: If you ever arrive at night club early on in the evening, you’ll notice the vast majority will stand around doing what everyone else is doing. Standing around and talking, but not dancing. Shocking. Dancing too early is perceived too big of a risk for 98% of a night club’s patrons.

DANCING?! To big of a risk of what? Nothing.

And yet, most people do what the crowd does. And most will not start dancing until someone does it first. BE FIRST. BE THAT GUY.

I am fan of taking action above all else.  Wearing designer clothing, or having expensive status symbols, or earning big paychecks are all nice things to have but it pales in comparison if you are the kind of guy that takes action, when no one else dares. Be that guy.

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